BFA Construction Project 2013 NBC Otter Slide
October 5, 2013
In 2011 and again in 2012, Iroquois Falls Bible Chapel, and Grace Bible Chapel each took on the complete rebuild of a cabin at Northland Bible Camp. In 2013, it was Bible Fellowship Assembly's turn to step up to the plate of Christian service and do the same. Earlier, in the fall of 2012, Jim Melnik and others made the trek to Butler Lake and oversaw the dismantle of the former Otter Slide, and then the laying of new solid cement pier foundation. It was later commented that while there was plenty of rain during the fall, the time of building of the forms for this and during the pouring of the cement there was perfect weather.
In May of 2013, the framing crew began its task in a serious way. Headed by Phil and Eddy, this team had excellent success as the walls, and trusses and roofing sheeting went up. Following this, Steve and Jesse and the entire roofing crew worked on the upstairs sections. Next came the exterior siding with Jim, Steve, Dave (2), Phil, Rod, Ted, (on electrical) and Tim assisting. Of course we would be remiss to suggest that these were these were the only ones at the site, for this entire project was breathed with prayer for safety, support in the form of sandwiches and financial gifts, and all those working faithfully behind the scenes. It was such a pleasure to see Chester and Marion Donaldson come to camp on several occasions to bring their words of encouragement and their two thumbs up! But above all, it was such a blessing for Jim (about one month later and a few days before the start of the first campers arriving) to hand over the keys (figuratively) to the Northland Bible Camp. We praise God for safety, good weather, and faithful support and a well done completed task.