Winter Run 2014 Youth Retreat
February 7, 2014
Winter Run 2014
On Feb. 7-9 BFA again hosted Winter Run Youth Conference. Around fifty youth met for worship Friday night, as Shoeless again started off the weekend with worship. A few ice-breaker games warmed up the group. With this year the theme: “What's holding you back?” featured speaker Kevin Armitage gave his testimony of how God worked in his life to bring him to faith. Following this talk, four break-out groups allowed for discussion and processing. Following this time, there were snacks, and then off to billets and bed.
Saturday was busy. A regular “guy” breakfast was made by the BFA men's prayer group, which with bacon, pancakes, eggs, and toast allowed everyone to get a healthy start. Kevin continued his theme following morning worship time. Following a wonderful lunch put on by the ladies of BFA, the regular street hockey tournament happened. Good bright sunshine met the excited hockey teams as they battled it out for the coveted Winter Run Cup. When you look at the photos of the winning team (the Canucks!) you can see that this is no little deal!
Following more sessions, supper and evening split sessions with guys and girls going to separate rooms to facilitate more direct conversations led by Matt and Sarah Guevara, talent night began. It was a fun spirited time full of humour, jokes, imitations, and special talents. The winning team was presented with the Street Hockey Trophy as well.
On Sunday, all met together to break bread and worship. Then Jesse Fontaine gave the sermon at the Family Bible Hour. Finally, all were invited to stay behind for an old fashioned bring and share luncheon. Most of the youth left in the pm to a wonderful day for travel back to their homes. Thanks again for all who made this a great success. And thanks to God for the safety and blessing of this weekend.