Good Friday at BFA 2016
March 25, 2016 at 1:05 PM
This year our Good Friday Theme was “Remembering His Passion”. Following a brief introduction by Dave J, Joe C opened in prayer. “O Sacred Head” was the first piece on the organ, and this was a fitting and sweet melody to begin our reflections on the cross. During this service the congregation sang along with the praise band. “In Christ Alone”, “There is a Redeemer”, “The Holy Heart”, were among the contemporary sound that came in praise to the Saviour. Two traditional songs now up-dated were “Man of Sorrows” (Hillsong version) and “Amazing Grace My Chains are gone” rounded off the time of praise. Both Old Testament readings from Ps. 22 and Is 52 (thanks Nick S and Jim M.) along with New Testament readings from Matthew and John, (Ryan H and Marc D) were a part of this time of worship. Hannah M graced us with “Forever” which was followed by Yves B who brought to the congregation insights and thoughts on the sign at the cross. We concluded with “Glorious Day, Living He loved me!” What a nice way to remember the cost of our salvation!
Thanks to all those who helped behind the scenes to make this happen. Thanks to: Steve O, (sound system), Joe C, (power point), Vickie (organ/vocals) Wally G (guitar/vocals) Jeff B (vocals/guitar), Carman L, (bass guitar/vocals), Becky J, (violin), Hannah M, (piano/vocals) Trevor M (drums), Dave J (vocals/coordinator) Thanks to the many who came out to enjoy this time of worship and praise. And thanks to the LORD for His might salvation!