Year in Review-2020
January 5, 2021 at 11:42 AM
Last year (2020) began as do most with the resumption of home and BFA Bible studies following Christmas break. In addition to regular Sunday breaking of bread and worship services, Kidz Klub, Tuesday Ladies Bible study and prayer time, monthly bring and share luncheons resumed. January also included it's annual games night around Jan 25th. Each of these programs were designed to allow our members to reach out to the community and youth, along with having ample time for prayer and fellowship.
In February, BFA again was able to offer it's building and members to help in the YFC Winter Run 2020. A good number of youth were present, with Alonzo Paul the keynote speaker. Shoeless again provided the music for the event. It was a good event, and fortunately came to pass just before the first lockdown of 2020.
Then came the middle of March. All were informed that a new serious disease (Covid-19) had emerged in Ontario, and our church, along with the entire province was now under lock down restrictions. All Kidz Klub, Sunday School, worship services in the building and home Bible studies were immediately cancelled. This led to our beginning of meetings on Zoom and Facebook messenger for Bible studies, Breaking bread, and Family worship times. While not ideal, these digital video conferencing programs allowed most of the members to enjoy a time of brief contact with the entire church and continued to challenge us with living a life of faith.
During May, we conducted a drive through birthday celebration for Sharon, which brought much joy to the family as we celebrated with her in her new milestone.
In late June, meetings at the church building were permitted to resume (at 30% capacity and new Covid-19 instructions.) What a joy it was to meet together for worship (even with reduced singing) to enjoy one another again, and to thrill to God's word. As summer unfolded, the BFA lawn and garden team ensuring safety protocols while nurturing flower beds and lawns. It was also during this time Ted led a team of men in a BFA internet cable upgrade. With Matt's help, the trench was dug, and filled in with a new cable arrangement. This will most definitely be the key to future on-line services and internet streaming. Great job here!
While summer would normally see a drop in physical attendance at Sunday meetings, during the summer of 2020 with travel diminished, worship services began to return to old levels.
As September 2020 began, BFA hosted a Friday night baptism service where two of our regular youth, and one from the YFC were baptized. While we continued to utilize appropriate safety protocols, this meeting reminded us that the work of God will continue. As fall approached 2 of the home Bible studies resumed on Zoom. A new study "Griefshare" was resumed on Zoom, with a special in building meeting in Dec. A fourth study continued making plans to resume at the chapel building in the new year, all with safety protocols.
Christmas plans called for a special outside fire-pit Carol Sing Christmas Eve. Joe led this team and preparation were well underway to reach the community using this family friendly approach. Bags and invitations were distributed. And then came the next short lockdown. This led to our switching up the celebrations to an inside Fireside Zoom Christmas Eve. More about this in a later report!
This year we have all learned to think more willingly “outside of the box!” In fact we are learning very quickly that the box as we knew it, may have even changed its shape, and is now more like “a corn maze!” Either way, we have this promise for this coming year: “Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:7-9) Blessings in 2021!