207 Lawrence St.
Porcupine, ON P0N 1C0

(705) 235-3532

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Winter Run 2019 Report

February 8, 2019 at 6:30 PM

It is now one week since the conclusion of Winter Run 2019. What an amazing series of answers to prayer! Andrew and Jennifer Abbott were able to come north safely through a freezing rain and a snow storm, and arrived just prior to the bulk of the fury of the storm hitting Porcupine. On Friday night a total of fifty youth were enrolled, but at the concert there were perhaps 90 out. Andrew's music and message was truly a blessing and spoke to the hearts of the youth. Following the concert, were fun-crazy icebreaker games designed by the games committee..(thanks Trev, Marc, Angie, Joe, Louis... these games were truly awesome!)

Saturday saw cold and sunny, and the bulk of the youth (around 40) were present for the messages. (thanks registration team-Fern/Wendy/Peggy) This was indeed an improvement over the past when Sat. sessions were not as well attended. Meals were efficient and very appealing to the palate. (thanks Judy/Wendy/Linda/Marg and food committee) Saturday pm saw our first Northern College venture with inflatables for the games. Youth were challenged to joust each other, and do the bungee challenge, while teams played volley ball with giant beach balls. When we returned to BFA, outside activities (sledding, road hockey, and team races) allowed for a nice outside cool down time.

Saturday night was our annual pizza party with the best pizza's yet. Andrew continued in his series on “Young and Courageous” followed by the Talent Contest. The most ever joined in the Talent show (18 groups or individual presentations of songs, comedy or variety) with a big thank you to Suzie, Eugene, Andrew, and Bruce for their excellent judging. Thanks to all who participated, the great audience support, and the real and obvious talent among our youth! Nine different awards were presented of Tim's Cards to the winners. This was followed by a hour of more high energy indoor games.

Sunday opened up with a Breaking of Bread service where sixty or so enjoyed worshiping. This was followed by a wonderful praise time, led by the Winter Run Praise Team (thanks Louis, Emma, Gary, Sharon, Joel, and Angie) Thanks as well to Stan who called the students in to meetings with his unique style of praise, as well as Steve/Joe on sound. Andrew concluded the time with his final message and challenge to live the life of faith in the valley or on the mountain. I have rarely seen the students so captivated or attentive to a speaker, and this was a big encouragement.

Following the service, we had another final meal together. Students left at 1 pm with the memories of an amazing weekend of challenge and fun. Thanks again to all who prayed, to Hannah for artistic and graphics arts (posters, programs), to Becky for FB events and correspondence, and those particularly at BFA who supported this ministry with finances, food, and the practical helps of cleaning, and set up. Thanks as well to the area churches who encouraged their youth to attend, the many parents and friends who provided transportation and assistance to the youth, and all those from many parts of the world who lifted up this conference in prayer. Everyone came away from this weekend tired, but refreshed in the knowledge that God is doing a very special work in the lives of the youth here in the north. This weekend was truly a miracle of grace! Let's do this again at Winter Run 2020!


Winter Run 2019 photos

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