BFA Christmas 2011
December 25, 2011
The BFA Christmas season began this year with the Social Committee proposing a special "Date Nite" banquet for the young couples on Saturday, Dec. 3rd. Complete with waiters, musical serenading, a wonderful meal; and complimentary babysitting; the BFA young couples were given a wonderful night out! Looks like everyone had a great time!
Harmony House staff and friends gathered together for their annual Christmas supper on Dec. 6th. We reflected on the many joys and challenges of this ministry; and all left encouraged with what God is doing through the minstry of books, videos and Bibles.
Each of of the weekly BFA Bible studies also gathered together (during Dec) to enjoy a meal and express gratitude for what God goodness. Then, on Sunday night, Dec. 18th; around 80 gathered in the fellowship Hall for the annual Christmas Banquet. Phil and Peg D. did a super job of organizing this event, but it could not be possible without all the able and willing volunteers in the kitchen! The food (turkey, ham, beef) was so, so good, and fellowship was wonderful as we gathered together as family. Following supper, Stan C. brought us a special selection of music.
Again on Dec. 24th, BFA held its annual Christmas Eve service. Complete with scripture readings, selected thoughts, special musical pieces (ladies trio, and instrumentals) as well as congregational hymns; our time was a reflection on the birth of Christ and the peace that this has brought.
This year, Dec. 25th fell on Sunday, and our 11 am service was adjusted to include a communion service as well. Along with several Christmas congregational hymns, Sally play a solo piece on the violin with the ever worshipful "Lo how a Rose". Jim challenged us to consider, "Why Christmas?". Before we broke bread, we saw a video "Have I forgotten?" that reminded us of some of the cost of our salvation. It was a refreshing and wonderful time. We concluded with a spontaneous singing of "Joy to the World!" This past month has been a wonderful time of celebration of the birth of Christ. May that joy continue to be in our hearts throughout 2012!