BFA FAll Activities 2016
October 30, 2016 at 6:30 PM
During this past fall, BFA enjoyed the start up of our home Bible studies, restart of regular Sunday School classes, and the renewing of the regular Bible studies. The Ladies Bible Study and Prayer began again on Tuesday mornings, while the Kidz Klub started up again in the evening. On Wednesdays' two Bible studies are current, (Jeremiah, and John) one held at the Chapel, and one in the home. Then on Thursday, a new study called Biblical Evangelism is held at the Chapel. In addition to the regular Bring and Share held every third Sunday, we had a guest visit from Joseph Frimpong, missionary to Ghana on Oct 19. It was refreshing to hear about the work that is on-going in this distant land. Men are again meeting at the monthly prayer breakfast, (every 2nd Sat of the month) while we all enjoyed a special time of fellowship at the Secret Sisters Banquet, and the Secret Brothers Supper on Oct 30.