BFA Sweeps 2016
May 18, 2016 at 6:30 PM
On Wednesday, May 18th, over twenty of the BFA family gathered to the church property where we were all swept off our feet...or should we say, our feet did the walking and our arms did the sweeping.
Every winter sand is spread over the parking lot to ensure good traction for those slippery days. This year we swept up many wheelbarrows of sand, some which was recycled for next year's supply, and other sand was used to fill low spots our parking lot. It was surprising to everyone that twenty or so could take just two hours out of their evening, and completely sweep the entire parking lot and lane. Our hope is that with this project completed we will soon be able to repair the cracks in the paving, refill the low sections and repaint the lines for the parking. Thanks to all who helped make this night of repairs a wonderful time of fellowship!