Christmas Eve 2013
December 24, 2013
Christmas Eve 2013 was a special time at BFA. This year's theme was “Jesus, the Light in a Dark Place”. Readings included selected portions of scripture grouped together around the following: The Light at the Beginning, The Light in Isaiah's prophecy, The Light at Bethlehem, Jesus the Light of the World, Jesus the Light of Resurrection, and finally, Paul encounters the Light. Interspersed with these readings were congregational Christmas hymns and various musical solos and instrumentals. Julia graced us with “O Come O Come Emmanuel” accompanied by Becky on violin. Rod and Shannon treated us with a special flute/violin rendition of 'Silent Night”. Vickie encouraged us with “For unto us a Son is given” on the new organ. Mrs. D. blessed us with a poem entitled “In Residence”. And Hannah sang out “The Offering” as we concluded with “Joy to the World” The organ forcefully played out the last verse of this final hymn as a tribute to the majesty and glory of God. Thank you to the many who participated in this event with readings, solos, and instrumentals and for all who were present. We do trust that this reflection will challenge each to consider the one who said, “I am the Light of the World” (Jn. 8:12)