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Easter Weekend 2010
April 2, 2010
Bible Fellowship Assembly Easter Celebration 2010
On Friday, April 2, the BFA family gathered once more to remember the amazing gift of love given on that day over 2000 years ago. Amidst a time of hymns of praise and reflection, a number of the Bible characters returned to pay us a dramatic visit. We were in awe as Mary the Mother of Jesus reflected on her son’s birth, his miracle at the Wedding at Cana, his peculiar relationship to his family, and the time of his cross. Peter the impetuous also stepped up to the mike. Dressed as a modern day fly-fisher, our Peter shared his wonder at this strange preacher, who could also make fish obey Him. He shared in his insights into the identity of Jesus , and yes, into his failures and cowardly action at the garden arrest. Special music by Hannah and Trevor brought all into focus as we were “Led to the Cross” and “Behold the Lamb“. Mary of Magdalena appeared next. She identified herself as the one forgiven by the Lord in John 8, as well as the one who anointed his feet. In addition, she shared her feelings as she recollected the scene at the cross. Next the Roman Centurion marched to the podium. As he shared the story of the healing of his servant, and then the painful experience of being ordered to execute this same Jesus, we were touched by his sorrow. Sally brought to us the pathos of the moment with her violin in “What Wondrous Love is This!” Marion then blessed us with her poem “The Superscription” and followed by singing “Where you there?”. The last two individuals to join this time of reflection was the Thief on the cross who believed, and the Apostle John. Our thief recounted the story of the Good Samaritan, except from the point of view of himself. We then listened as he told of Barabbas release and substitution and his own response to Jesus while hanging on the cross. John first sang of the God of Wonder, and then shared his thoughts about the Lord and His death. We included in the time a congregational video hymn, “In Christ Alone” and closed with the video “It’s about the cross” . We trust that all that were present were blessed as we remembered again in a somewhat differing fashion, the great love of God for us!
On Sunday morning at eight am almost forty joined BFA to have a common breakfast together. Following this wonderful time of fellowship and feasting, we moved to the sanctuary to worship the Lord by Breaking Bread together and having our communion service. The Family Bible Hour saw our violin/flute ensemble, as well as keyboard and piano assist us in our worship as we rejoiced in the Resurrection. Brother Dave Hook shared a challenging and inspirational message through a Power Point presentation and audio sermon entitled, “ Easter, What does this mean? “. All in all, we had a wonderful weekend of worship, reflection, praise and fellowship. We are already looking forward to next’s years event!
On Friday, April 2, the BFA family gathered once more to remember the amazing gift of love given on that day over 2000 years ago. Amidst a time of hymns of praise and reflection, a number of the Bible characters returned to pay us a dramatic visit. We were in awe as Mary the Mother of Jesus reflected on her son’s birth, his miracle at the Wedding at Cana, his peculiar relationship to his family, and the time of his cross. Peter the impetuous also stepped up to the mike. Dressed as a modern day fly-fisher, our Peter shared his wonder at this strange preacher, who could also make fish obey Him. He shared in his insights into the identity of Jesus , and yes, into his failures and cowardly action at the garden arrest. Special music by Hannah and Trevor brought all into focus as we were “Led to the Cross” and “Behold the Lamb“. Mary of Magdalena appeared next. She identified herself as the one forgiven by the Lord in John 8, as well as the one who anointed his feet. In addition, she shared her feelings as she recollected the scene at the cross. Next the Roman Centurion marched to the podium. As he shared the story of the healing of his servant, and then the painful experience of being ordered to execute this same Jesus, we were touched by his sorrow. Sally brought to us the pathos of the moment with her violin in “What Wondrous Love is This!” Marion then blessed us with her poem “The Superscription” and followed by singing “Where you there?”. The last two individuals to join this time of reflection was the Thief on the cross who believed, and the Apostle John. Our thief recounted the story of the Good Samaritan, except from the point of view of himself. We then listened as he told of Barabbas release and substitution and his own response to Jesus while hanging on the cross. John first sang of the God of Wonder, and then shared his thoughts about the Lord and His death. We included in the time a congregational video hymn, “In Christ Alone” and closed with the video “It’s about the cross” . We trust that all that were present were blessed as we remembered again in a somewhat differing fashion, the great love of God for us!
On Sunday morning at eight am almost forty joined BFA to have a common breakfast together. Following this wonderful time of fellowship and feasting, we moved to the sanctuary to worship the Lord by Breaking Bread together and having our communion service. The Family Bible Hour saw our violin/flute ensemble, as well as keyboard and piano assist us in our worship as we rejoiced in the Resurrection. Brother Dave Hook shared a challenging and inspirational message through a Power Point presentation and audio sermon entitled, “ Easter, What does this mean? “. All in all, we had a wonderful weekend of worship, reflection, praise and fellowship. We are already looking forward to next’s years event!