Easter Weekend 2017
April 14, 2017 at 4:33 PM
Easter Weekend 2017
This year the 11 am. Good Friday Service called “Sing a Song of Calvary” was a one hour celebration. Approximately thirteen BFA'ers participated in a service of readings, scripture, and a blend of old and new hymns. We read of the cross from Matthew 26:36-46, all in unison, and various members read short testimonies of the conversion experiences of several of the more notable hymn writers as well as scripture passages to collaborate these thoughts. Philip Bliss, Fanny Crosby, John Newton (of Amazing Grace fame) and Francis Havergal were the writers conversions which were highlighted. Thanks to Linda and Steve O, Judy and Wade M, Cary G, Pat D and Scotty T, and Dr. H for their excellent participation. Thanks also to Vickie H. on piano/organ/vocals, Becky J. on violin, and Dave J. on drums/vocals/bulletin and Joe C on power point, and Jim M on sound. And thanks to all the approximate fifty in the congregation along with visitors who came and remembered the cost of our salvation.
The Easter Sunday Service began with a wonderful time praising God in communion. A number rose to share the value of resurrection and the hope that Jesus brings. As we gathered for the Worship and Praise time, around fifty gathered we sang as a congregation “He lives,” “Lamb of God,” on piano. Then we moved it up a notch with the organ and sang “Christ arose” and “Worship Christ the Risen King” Ted B gave an excellent message on “Being close to the cross”...the story of Judas. The time was concluded with a new song “Beautiful Offerings” where all were invited to re-dedicate their lives to Jesus. Thanks to all who participated this Sunday...to Ted B for the message, the music team of Vickie, Becky and Dave, along with Joe C and Jim M on sound and pp. Following the service, most stayed for a wonderful Easter Sunday Brunch. Easter Sunday was a joyous time!