Good Friday Service 2018
April 9, 2018 at 9:58 AM
Jesus was nailed to a cross almost 2000 years ago. But what about the nails? What was their significance in this might demonstration of love? We began the worship and praise with a combination of contemporary and traditional hymns. Assisted by two praise teams, (led by Vickie H and Hannah M) along with a solo from Stan C, our music was designed to flow around the event of the cross and Jesus' love for us. Songs such as “Amazing Love” “He was Wounded” “Man of Sorrows” “Love Ran Red” “What Wondrous Love is this? using the hammered dulcimer, with Fern P and “Watch the Lamb”, "Forgiven" were sung, along with selected scriptures read by Lucy H, Ted/Peg B, Chester B, Tyler G, Wendy J, Joanne C and Angie R. During the middle of the service included an 8 foot cross constructed with 100 pre-drilled nail holes allowed each one of the worshippers time to come forward and place a large spike into the cross, as a visual and physical reminder of what took place in history. Trevor M closed this time of reflection and worship with in prayer and thanksgiving to God. dj