Harmony House Celebrates 30 years
May 14, 2012
Saturday, May 12 marked a very special celebration in the life of Harmony House. Vickie gave a wonderful introductory concert of classic hymns on her keyboard as friends, family, customers, associates and those serving at this ministry gathered together to pay special tribute to Harmony House's 30th anniversary. Becky welcomed the Mayor of Timmins, Tom Laughren, who so graciously spoke at the occasion. On behalf of the city, the Mayor presented Becky (on behalf of Harmony House) a plaque of recognition for this achievement. Chester gave those present a wonderful history of the humble origins of the store, and his consistent policy of not 'taking a dime' from the store for his own needs. The Mayor echoed everyone’s thoughts when he said he was very moved by the dedication of Chester and Marion and made it very clear how much he respects and admires this kind of sacrifice. A special cake was cut by Mrs. Donaldson and Becky, and Dave gave a prayer of thanks and dedication. Stan finished the time with his down-home style of Christian country music while many took time to enjoy a coffee and a piece of cake. Meanwhile, inside the store, sales were humming, as customers took advantage of the 30% discounts in celebration of the thirty years of service.