Ladies Bible Study Luncheon 2012
June 12, 2012
On Tuesday June 12, the ladies from the BFA Ladies Prayer and Bible study gathered together for their Annual 2012 Wrap-up Luncheon. Approximately fifteen ladies gathered this year at Peg D's place to share the 4-S's....salads, sandwiches, snacks and the Saviour. As one stated, 'There was visiting here and there and all over; a lovely get together with seeing some neighbours and visiting with people you don't see too often. It was such a lovely day with such rich fellowship.” Another commented that it was 'a nice time with delicious desserts, and a great time of fellowship.” Considering how cold it was later in the day, the weather for the noon luncheon was just perfect. God certainly blessed this time! Thanks to Becky and Hannah for their assistance with photos for this event! While the ladies prayer and Bible study is now finished for this season, (to resume in the fall) the ladies prayer chain and secret sisters will continue though out the summer months. So please keep those prayer requests coming in!