Articles 151 to 159 of 159
Great Whale Youth Mission Report Sunday
November 22, 2009
Great Whale Youth Missions Trip!
July 19, 2009
Youth Return from Mission Trip
After a fourteen hour journey by air and road, youth from The Open End Youth Centre finally arrived back from a ten day mission trip to Kuujjuaraapik, QC. It was a trip filled with many personal surprises....
Of Basketballs and Bibles!
July 6, 2009
"From Addiction to Adoption"
June 19, 2009
This past Friday, June 19th Bible Fellowship Assembly and The Open End Youth Centre hosted an evening of music and drama.
Busy Weekend!
June 14, 2009
"It seems that our meetings are usually very quiet, or just everything happens all at once!" This was one BFA member's sentiment as they recounted the activities of the weekend of June 13/14, 2009.
Men of BFA Host Son Rise Breakfast!
April 12, 2009
This past Sunday saw the several of the men of BFA cooking!
Good Friday Service
April 10, 2009
Approximately fifty came out and enjoyed a time of quiet reflection this Good Friday past.
Articles 151 to 159 of 159