Back to Church Feb. 21,2021
March 12, 2021 at 1:56 PM
Good News! Lock-down (Dec. 26-Feb 20, 2021) here in Timmins is currently over and the “In Person” services resumed on Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021. All were encouraged to come gather together for the 11 am service where we enjoyed the music team once more, and got to enjoyed the introduction to the new 1st Corinthians series. Phil did an amazing job of setting the historical background for the various themes in this letter, and we are looking forward to wonderful series of messages on these topics. He shares- Where do we go when the going gets grueling? BFA has embarked on a teaching and study series centered on that question, and based on God’s Word via the Apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Corinth. The people in that church had similar life challenges that we have today. Some of the questions before us will be: who do we follow? what is the nature of the wisdom that God provides? where do we go when holy living is falling apart? when marriage is being questioned? when God’s designs for His church are fading? and when hope in life after death is not understood?
We continue to enjoy on our Zoom channel meeting Breaking of Bread, (9:30-10:15 Sun. am) but hope to begin breaking bread at the actual church soon! One of the joys of BFA is the family atmosphere and our Sunday School is back up and running too! On Sat. Feb. 20th, many of us shared a drive through welcome for one of our newest little member. Welcome to the family...we are glad that you have come! ( FYI- PPE and physical distancing regulations continue to remain in effect for meetings at the building)