BFA Fall 2023
September 23, 2023 at 1:06 PM
At the end of August, BFA participated in the Church in the Park. Over 250 were present as we worshipped, shared communion, and enjoyed praising the Lord. It was a cool day, but sunny and was perfect weather for the event. With Fall 2023 now here, most of the regular BFA programs are now up and running. We had our annual bon-fire on Sept 16, and had approx. 35 out for smores and hot chocolate. All enjoyed the time around the campfire sharing summer experiences. The very next day, BFA held its Sept. Bring and Share. With an abundance of sandwiches, soups, and salads, all seemed thrilled to again enjoy this time of fellowship. Sept. 23 saw the start of the new Kidz Klub. We invite you to enjoy all the current BFA programs (Bible studies, Men/Ladies Prayer groups, Grief Share, Kidz Klub) and grow in Jesus.