Easter Sunday Celebration 2019
April 21, 2019 at 9:00 AM
On April 21, around 35 of the BFA family gathered to enjoy a Son Rise Breakfast together at 9 am. What a nice way to enjoy one another, and thank God for the Resurrection. At 10:30, the balance of the congregation arrived, and we enjoyed a Combined Communion and Worship/teaching time. As we remembered once more the death and burial of the Lord Jesus, we also took time to remember the power of the resurrection. We opened with prayer and an opening video entitled 'Our King Forever'. The congregation was led by Eugene on trumpet, Hannah on piano/vocals, Becky and Rod on violins, Dave on drums, Louis S. and Wally G on guitar/vocals and Joe C on sound, and Wendy J on power point. Hymns ranged from the traditional “He Arose” to modern worship such as “What a Beautiful Name” Yves B and Marc D gave thanks for the bread and the cup, while Steve O gave us a wonderful message on the Victory triumphant of Jesus. We were blessed with an original music piece by Wally G entitled “Can't you see” and Hannah led the congregation with “Forever” as the final note of praise for this great triumph of Jesus.