Winter Run 2018 Event
February 9, 2018 at 6:30 PM
Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: 'Whoever believes will not be in haste.' Is. 28:16
This year Bible Fellowship Assembly again hosted Winter Run 2018, from Friday Feb. 9 through Sunday Feb. 11. Approximately 55 youth attended this event from as far away as New Liskeard to Cochrane, and around as many as twelve northern churches. Once registered officially, the youth were welcomed to a series of ice-breaker games, led by Louis S.L. to get the youth to interact and know one another and have fun. This was followed by a hearty time of praise time led by Hannah M and the BFA praise team. Mark Jenkinson (our Key-Note Speaker) gave us an excellent presentation on the importance of knowing the cornerstone. He used the concept of “Fake News” as an on-going theme to help youth understand the difference between truth and deception. His presentation and talk was both relevant and spoke the language of the day, so much that the entire group was all ears to the Word of God.
Part One of the movie “I am not Ashamed” was then shown to the youth. This true Story of Rachel Scott, and her high school years that proceeded the Columbine High school mass shooting. We viewed the struggles and success of Rachel, her challenges with faith, and her desire to be accepted...all through the journal entrees which Rachel documented. Rachel's painful truth of being a professing Christian but living in both worlds was so clearly displayed. We concluded the evening with stopping just at a heightened moment when it would appear there was to be a fight between two of the men in Rachel's life. It was at this moment that we took a short snack break and returned youth to their prospective homes and billets.
Saturday morning snacks and coffee were awaiting all as we gathered together to praise Jesus. The 2nd BFA Praise Team under Vickie H and Dave J's leadership brought the first set of Christian praise, and Mark began his second message “Christ- The Cornerstone of your HOW! Following a muffin break, the youth were split between genders with the gals listening to Zoe T share here story, and the guys going to the fellowship hall to hear Andrew L's story. We then met together for another amazing lunch of pasta and salad.
The afternoon consisted of an outside road hockey tournament where the 'Bidwell Cup” was again awarded. Tug of War finished off the time. We then went to the Sportsplex for a hot water swim and soak! Following we returned to the chapel to our fantastic Pizza Party.
The evening then began with the BFA praise Team leading worship, and Mark J. Speaking on “Christ-The Cornerstone of your WHAT” This was followed by an exciting Talent Contest where 14 youth participated in music, comedy, variety presentations. This was followed by the exciting conclusion of the movie “I am not Ashamed”. At the movies conclusion an invitation was given to invite Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour. After snacks, youth again left for billets and homes. We were later informed that one of the youth had given her life to Jesus that same evening, and others had re-dedicated their lives to live for Jesus. Praise God.
On Sunday, Feb. 11, a continuing good group were present to enjoy worship and communion. Mark gave his final presentation “Christ- The Cornerstone of your WHY” This was followed by another luncheon for the youth and the church as the weekend wrapped up and all made their ways home. May God be praised for the unity, combined effort and love displayed by all at BFA who served this weekend and may the eternal results bring praise to Jesus. (D. Jenkinson)