Winter Run News 2016
February 5, 2016 at 6:30 PM
2016 was a year of change for Winter Run. With our former coordinator no longer in the area, Joe C. and Dave J. took on this project. We held a number of meetings to determine the direction of the Youth Retreat. Dave J was responsible for web on-line links and Face Book event pages, posters design and completion, brochure, and organizing the theme and schedule and praise band and music. Joe was responsible for first aid, co-chair, coordinating workers, security, Power Points, and direct supervision of the youth and a myriad of hidden tasks. Andrew L. ( a former Youth member now in college in counselling studies) was approached and found willing to do the talks.
Andrew was to give three of the talks on the subject of Youth, the Greatest Time. (1 Tim 4:12). Andrew shared on not despising your youth, and being an example in faith and in love. He used his own experience to share his own faith walk. Peter K. shared on being an example in the word, while Joe D. (I.Falls) shared his testimony and what it is like to be guided by God. Chester B. described his Mission Haiti experience and lessons learned, while on Sunday, Trevor M. shared on the need for Purity and Holiness in times of youth.
This year we did on-line registrations, and had most of the registrations come in during the last week. We did have 51 registered for the Youth Conference, with average attendance of around 45 (some could not attend all sessions). Attendance came from six local area churches (BFA, First B, SP Pent, Tim Pent. Grace Chapel, Gospel Hall) while those from out of town, came from Cochrane Pentecostal, I.Falls Chapel, I.Falls Pentecostal, Matheson Chapel, NL Chapel. Thanks to those who were willing or actually billeted youth during this weekend.
Activities included this year a pool party (40 attended) and pizza night. We also held a full movie played out in 2 parts. (Thanks Ted B for the excellent work in the sound department) In addition, our praise band consisted of Wally G, Jeff B, Joel T, Carmen L, Dave/Becky J, with Joe C on PP and sound which played 5 sets during the weekend for a total of 22 hymns. Seven Bible sessions were held during the Fri-Sun Conference. A talent night consisted this year of around 8 who made presentations, with awards of $40 gift cards (HH) for those placing first in their categories.
Judy M and Marc C organized the food committee and did an excellent job. They organized snacks for 2 nights, and coffee/muffins for Sat am, as well as lunch Sat/Sun, and pizza Sat night. The food was a highlight for this conference. Thanks so much Marg and Judy for doing this!
Volunteers from BFA were organizing, praying, registering and organizing billets, supporting, kitchen duty, cleaning, youth supervision, security, photography, music, sound, power point programs, and supervision at the pool. This number of volunteers were approximately 30.
This conference was designed to stimulate and encouraged the Youth believers, while confront and challenge those who were not yet saved. While we have no reports of salvation to date, our prayers were that the teaching and encouragement given will have eternal results. This conference assured youth that northern churches (especially BFA) do care about them and want to see them grow. It gave youth a safe time of interaction, as well as an opportunity to challenge them with God's word. We did see many answers to prayers during that weekend. (safety, weather, security, and the Word of God implanted in the lives) Thanks again for all that prayed.